New Westminster, BC, V3M5J9
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About us

Greater Vancouver Bangladesh Cultural Association (GVBCA) is a non-profit cultural organization in Vancouver, BC. It was established in 2002 wit h the merging of two organizations (Canada Bangladesh Cultural Association of BC established in 1988-89 and Bangladesh Cultural Association of B C established in 1992-93). The main purpose of this organization is to promote our national heritage, culture and linguistic history of Bangladesh in the multicultural society of Canada.

At the onset of these two organizations, there were few families comprising of about 100 members. They organized various activities, such as annual picnic, musical concerts and festivals to celebrate national days o f Bangladesh. However, the strength of the united organization increased in manifold after the reunion of the two associations, and now the community is enjoying diverse activities throughout the year under the dynamic leadership of GVBCA. Currently six to seven thousands Bangladeshi people are living in Greater Vancouver. GVBCA celebrates national days (Independence Day on March 26, Victory Day on December 16, Amar Ekushey on 21st February), International Mother Language Day (21st Feb), Baishakhi mela, annual picnic, special seminar, and other social activities.

GVBCA sponsors a Bengali radio show, Radio Bangladesh (CJSF 90.1 FM and 93.9 Cable FM) on every Sunday @ 3:00-4:00 pm broadcasting from Burnaby, BC. The radio show delivers important community and national news, songs, interviews and birthday wishes in order to promote our culture and national heritage in Canada.

GVBCA is also promoting and patronizing local artists. Performances by children are mostly encouraged by engaging them in various cultural programs. The underlying reason is to bring out the talent and creativity within the second generation of Bangladesh community.

GVBCA has initiated a project on building a community center which is dubbed as the Bangladesh Community Center.

The current EC of GVBCA is working hard in harmony with all other organizations and general members of the community. The vision of this association has broadened to uphold the respect and tolerance to each other, cooperation with other organizations and giving value to our fellow members to establish a peaceful community.

We feel proud to be a part of the Bangladeshi community in Greater Vancouver.



Canada Bangladesh Cultural Association of BC

President: Late Dr. Anwar Chowdhury
Vice President: Khaleda Banu
Secretary: Mr. Azmal Khan Raj

Bangladesh Cultural Association of BC

President: Khurshid Rahman
Secretary: Monir Hossain

Bangladesh Cultural Association of BC

President: Mr. Hafizur Rahman Shumon (for 3 months)
President: Mr. Rahamatulla
Secretary: Mr. Mostafa Alam

Bangladesh Cultural Association of BC

President: Late Dr. Anwar Chowdhury
Vice President/Secretary: Khaleda Banu

Bangladesh Cultural Association of BC

President: Mr. Hafizur Rahman Shumon
Vice President: Moinul Chowdhury Shetu
Secretary: Wali Shumon Vancouver

Greater Vancouver Bangladesh Association

President: Mr. Mahbubul Islam
Vice President: Aftab Molla
Secretary: Mr. Anwar Hossain

Greater Vancouver Bangladesh Association

President: Mr. Mahbubul Islam
Secretary: Mr. Alam

Greater Vancouver Bangladesh Cultural Association

Sr. President: Mr. Hafizur Rahman Shumon
President: Ruhul Zaman
Secretary: Mostak Khalek

Greater Vancouver Bangladesh Cultural Association

President: Mr. Karim (short time)
Acting President: Mr. Azmal Khan Raj
Secretary: Mr. Alam


President : Mahbubul Islam
General Secretary: Azad Sheikh


President : Dr. Shariful Alam Tulu
General Secretary: Emon Mohammad


President : Hafizul Islam
General Secretary: Sanzida Swati


Convener: Dr. Shariful Alam Tulu
Members: Haroon Ur Rashid and Hafizur R. Khan

2024-2026 (Current)

President : Rashadul Mahmud
General Secretary: Moyn Uddin Sany

Canada Bangladesh Cultural Association of BC

President: Dr. Salauddin Ahmed
Secretary: Dr. Shamsuddin
Vice President: Masudur Rahman Panna

Bangladesh Cultural Association of BC

President: Mr. Rahamatullah
Secretary: Mr. Rafiqul Alam

Bangladesh Cultural Association of BC

President: Mr. Sarwar Shikder
Vice President: Mr. Hafizur Rahman Shumon
Secretary: Mostafa Alam

Bangladesh Cultural Association of BC

President: Mr. Mostafa Alam
Secretary: Mr. Mostak Khalek

Bangladesh Cultural Association of BC

President: Late Dr. Anwar Chowdhury
Vice President: Khaleda Banu
Secretary: Mr. Hafizur Rahman Shumon

Greater Vancouver Bangladesh Association

President: Mr. Khurshid Rahman
Secretary: Mr. Munir Hossain

Greater Vancouver Bangladesh Association

President: Mr. Khurshid Rahman
Secretary: Mr. Munim

Greater Vancouver Bangladesh Association

President: Mr. Ruhul Zaman
Secretary: Mostak Khalek

Greater Vancouver Bangladesh Cultural Association

President: Mr. Didarul Alam
Secretary: Mr. Rezaul Karim

Greater Vancouver Bangladesh Cultural Association

President: Mr. Alam
Secretary: Mr. Azad

2006- 2008

President: Dr. Abdul Matin
General Secretary: Dr. Mahbub Kabir


President : Mahbubul Islam
General Secretary: Azad Sheikh


President : Dr. Abu Ali Khan
General Secretary: Haroon Ur Rashid


President : Tariq Malik
General Secretary: Sahana Akter Mohua


President : Emon Mohammad
General Secretary: Rashadul Mahmud


We understand the importance of approaching each work integrally and believe in the power of simple.

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(10am - 05 pm)

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)